Ebara Foods industry, Inc

Recommended Product - Yakiniku Sauce

This yakiniku sauce is rich in flavor, based on the umami of brewed soy sauce and a savory sweetness, subtly enhanced with aromatic vegetables.

Company Overview

Number of employees: 508
Main office: 14F, Yokohama Eye Mark Place, 4-4-5 Minatomirai, Nishi, Yokohama 220-0012
Year of establishment: 1958

Company Mission

“Heartfelt, exhilarating, deliciousness.”

‘Heartfelt, exhilarating, deliciousness’ embodies our passion for customers and our spirit of challenge, harnessing the power to attract people with ‘new deliciousness’ and create opportunities for bonding through the ‘exciting deliciousness’ that fills one with anticipation.