Nisshin Seifun Welna Inc.

Recommended Product - Welna Tempura Batter Mix "AGEJOZU" 1 kg

A revolutionary tempura flour that fries up crisp and maintains its crunchy texture even over time. With no need for preparation with cold water and easy handling, there’s no need for the tips previously required to fry tempura

Company Overview

Number of employees: 1,885
Main office: 1-25, Kandanishiki-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Year of establishment: 2001

Company Mission

“Delivering health to people around the world with the blessings of nature.”

In every era, we strive for diverse dietary lifestyles to be healthy and more fulfilling. We explore the infinite potential of nature through technology and ideas, creating new value. We aspire to continue pioneering new paths as ‘seekers of food,’ constantly exploring new avenues. As a food infrastructure company, we aim to expand the blessings of nature globally.