Recommended Product - TOKUSEN SOY SAUCE

A traditionally brewed soy sauce with a well-balanced blend of color, flavor, and aroma. This versatile seasoning is suitable for all cooking purposes, including dipping, pouring, simmering, and grilling.

Company Overview

Number of employees: 450
Main office: 3-1, Sakae-cho, Tatebayashi-shi, Gunma, 374-8510
Year of establishment: 25/12/1917

Company Mission

“Deliciousness brings joy.”

‘Deliciousness brings joy’ represents the fundamental spirit of Shoda Shoyu, where we strive to provide products that delight our customers with ‘deliciousness’ and pursue our business endeavors as our own joy.

‘For the ‘deliciousness’ of each and every customer, we will continue to embrace challenges.’