Recommended Product - Asahi Super Dry

“ASAHI Super Dry”

The Brussels Beer Challenge is an international beer competition, with 1,811 brands entered from 37 countries this year. After rigorous evaluation by 90 internationally renowned judges, awards were determined for each category. In the Lager – International Style Pilsner category, ‘Super Dry’ was awarded the Gold Medal. This is the second time it has received this honor since its initial win in 2015.

In 2022, while maintaining its concept of being ‘dry,’ ‘Super Dry’ underwent its first recipe change since its launch, aiming to enhance its ‘drinkability’ while preserving its ‘crispness.’ This full renewal was implemented, and the new flavor profile was well-received and acknowledged.

Company Overview

Number of employees: 6,996 (12/2022)
Main office: 1-23-1 Azumabashi, Sumida-ku, Tokyo 130-8602
Year of establishment: November 1889.

Company Mission

“To all our customers, the best tomorrow.”

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